Thursday, December 28, 2006

Additional thoughts on chart below

As per a comment... I would suggest that the chart in the article below would be interpretted as you say. If 29% saw Imporovement and 57% saw the issue Resolved, than the total who saw a difference would = 86%. If 86% of patients who go through WLS see a reduction or cure for their headaches I think I'd sign up just for that reason! LOL (Kidding, kidding... I know I'm going to get comments. :o)

However, I have noticed my headaches are getting odder as the years go by. Recently I noticed that I get headaches instantly from too much light (sunlight or otherwise). And it really is instant... and if I had to classify it into my headache catagories, I'd say it's actually a migraine. So strange. My head feels like it's getting squeezed all around and I get kinda "foggy" in my thinking. Slower speach patterns, etc. I think I'll go see the doctor... maybe it's something I should get checked out.

At any rate, a big thanks to my few readers. I look forward to posting more articles in the next few days.

(And for Rosie, I'll ask about the panni difference between WLS and work-out big loss... THAT is an excellent question. I would hypothysis that it has to do with the amount of movement and hydration involved in exercise based weight loss. With WLS hydration and nutrition can be a problem, and thus not allowing the skin all the possible building blocks for elasticity and tightening. Just my 2 cents! Of note though, I have seen several who have lost large amounts without WLS who do need surgery, maybe it's just good luck with the skin genes!)

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