Thursday, April 12, 2007

Down 630... up 80 - a "setback"?! Not!

How on earth does this work? This guy's lost 630 pounds. Then he gains back 80 and the media says he's failing: "Neb. man who lost more than 700 pounds suffers a setback".

I mean really, come on! The guy's taken a drastic step, accomplished a HUGE task and is WAY, WAY healthier. But oh no, gain back a few pounds and you're a failure. Geepers creepers... give the guy a break. I say "Way to go buddy!! YOU are amazing!". I hope he's learned enough from all of this to realize that his success is a measure of his own goals and his own happiness and not something the media has to say about him.

I've heard this before, that once you have the surgery "everyone has an opinion about your weight". You're losing too fast, you've lost too much, you're not losing enough, not losing it fast enough.... etc. And also that once you pass THEIR weight some people get upset. I believe it. I betchya that's when the "you took the easy way out" opinions really start to fly. Ugh. I'm glad I've heard about this before anything surgical cause I tell you what... even if you tell everyone, it's STILL none of their business! LOL.

By that I mean that if you choose to share (or not) that you've had gastric bypass, your weight gain or loss is still really only your business. If others comment on it, you've got to see that it's from an outside source that hasn't lived your life. How can they possibly know anything about you and your struggles, addiction, pain and the finality of something like WLS.

If you've had surgery and you've lost lots, or lost none, or lost and regained, or whatever... I say to you "CONGRATULATIONS". At the very least you've decided to take responsibility for, and control over, your life - that's a huge step! :o)

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