Sunday, November 25, 2007


Oh the frustration! I've emailed everyone I know and no one knows a psychiatrist! I can't believe it. I went to see the Dr on Friday for a referral and he says that it's unlikely I can actually get to see one without a "problem", but he'll make the referral. Honestly, he didn't see the point. Oh well. I'm still looking.

Still looking, but losing hope. Guess I'll have to wait the ridiculous 12-16 weeks for a psychiatric consult. That's if you actually have a problem, which I don't, so what the heck? That seems like a really long time to have to wait to see someone for your mental illness. Poor people who really need one. Sometimes our 'free' healthcare system really sucks. I guess in the end you get to see someone. But I'd rather by $500 and get my psych exam tomorrow than wait several months. Bah!

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