Saturday, December 8, 2007


Holy cow... had another appointment yesterday. Drove 2.5 hours to Edmonton, had a 30 min. appt. and drove 2.5 hours back to Calgary for a Christmas party. Thank God it wasn't bad weather! Met with the dietitian. Confirmed I'm down a few more pounds.

The psych evaluation hadn't come in yet, but the bloodwork, etc. all came back good, as well as the EKG. So that's all good news. The dietitian says I'm doing really well and my next appointment will be with surgeon to determine a 'yes or no' for surgery. She's confident that I'm a good candidate, so I'm hopeful.

Next appointment is Feb 4, 2008. Hubby is getting frustrated with the loooooong wait time for a determination, but I understand the system sucks. And the screening has to be fairly long to see a committment to changes with food and exercise. But still it's over 2 years now, and 1 year of visiting this clinic every 1.5 months or so. At $100+ per time, it's getting expensive! But not as expensive as paying for the surgery in the US (of this I reminded him).

At any rate, I told my husband that this is something I need, not just want, and that if it takes 5 more years I will keep at it until I get it because I want to be healthier. My feet are killing me these days (plantars fasciitis) even with custom orthopedic insoles. I work hard every day and that means a lot of walking, carrying lumber, moving heavy sheets of plywood, etc (not every day, but often). At this point, just walking hurts.

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