Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On with the battle...

Well, on with the battle... I'm back on the diet and tired of it already. Been doing well though. But today I was thinking about the surgery some more, read someone saying somewhere that she has to cut everything up into pieces the size of a pencil eraser, then chew it 20 times before she can swallow it. Gee... sounds like fun. And the list of things you have to give up worries me a little.

I will really miss calamari and seafood, fresh bread and steak. Makes me wish I could just lose the weight with diet and exercise so I could have those things now and then when I wanted them. I've never been a huge fan of fish, but it's one of the highly suggested protiens after LAP-band. I don't know, I guess I'll have to jump through those hurdles when I get to them.

And I understand that the don't-eat list isn't the same for everyone. But steak? As much as I know I shouldn't eat it, I'm sure I'll miss it. Pork... bah, I've been avoiding it for a while now (way, way too high in calories) and I don't miss it. My biological mother though, she loves pork, especially the fat. Well, I don't have to deal with that. And although I like steak, it's not often I actually crave it.

I do crave chocolate though. And one day each month I swear, I could just eat that and nothing else quite happily. Oh dear! LOL! But I hear that weight loss can help with hormonal imbalances, so I hope the hormonal cravings will be reduced too.

Ah well, so many things to think about and consider...

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