Sunday, May 11, 2008

Size 18

My 22 clothes were too big, so I went shopping. But I was still feeling sick from the barium swallow x-ray. So I bought 3 pairs of size 20 pants that fit just fine.

The next day my system finished clearing out the barium, and my stomach felt much better. I put on the pants I bought THE DAY BEFORE and they're really lose. Oh well, there fine - I figure. But my job is about climbing in and out of houses and dragging crap around all day. By early afternoon I had to hold my pants up to keep them on. :o( So I went back to my favorite second hand store and WONDER OF WONDERS!!!!!!!!! I had to buy a pair of size 18 pants.

I was hoping around the store and gleefully telling everyone "These are 18's - EIGHTEENS!!!!". Yeah, I'm nuts.

But you know what, I don't think I've been in a size 18 since I was aged 18. Now I'm 33... wow. Good job for me, but I need to get back on-track with the diet and make it a firm size 18 (not just a 'Cotton Ginny jeans look like they were made for me exactly so they always fit, but were tight).

At any rate, here's to small victories. ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Happy Mother's Day as well....