Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WOW!!! I finally got "the call"!!

I finally got "the call" and it was surprised how quickly they are scheduling me... I now only have 2 weeks to be nervous (which I am). They called yesterday (Oct 20) to tell me my surgery is booked for Nov 4th. WOW!! I was all jitters and nerves for the rest of the day. I know this is what I've been working for, but to see it within reach is kinda scary!

I'm sure any of you who have been through this know exactly what it feels like.... hurray - they've scheduled it finally... yikes - it's so close! So I'm looking forward to it, but I'm nervous too.

Going in to see the dietitian and for a 'nutrition seminar' this Thursday (the 23) and my weight is still 'stuck' at 237... down 3 lbs (I was up to 240). So I'm pretty happy with my maintenance, but I'm ready to start moving down again. Sounds like it will take some time for the weight loss to happen though, as the band starts out empty and the fills are at least 1 month apart, so it will take a while to hit the 'sweat spot' that lets me lose consistently.

This morning my plantars fasciitis flaired up a little, reminding me of one of the million reasons I wanted this. My herniated disc is bothering me too... another one of those symptoms that pushed me towards this plan of action. At this point weight loss is the only 'treatment' available for the problems. So I look forward to a reduction in pain soon.

WOW. I just still can't believe it. 2 weeks. Wow. And because I have no co-morbidities I can have the pre-op exam and tests done the day before. Wow, wow, wow. I must remember to breath!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations--I know this is something you've really wanted. You must keep us informed every step of the way--the good and the bad. I hope while you teach us something, we can offer support and encouragement as you go down this path. Again, congratulations.