Monday, March 5, 2007

Sticking it out...

Once again (big surprise) the weight loss of the first week has stopped. Now don't email me and tell me I'm whining or that my expectations are unreasonable, my point is just to report on the "as expected" reaction my body has to any "normal" attempt at weight loss! I lost 10 lbs in the first 7 days on the USANA Reset program. I was surprised THAT even happened! LOL! And as I expected, as soon as I introduce any real food (even only one low glycemic meal per day) my weight loss stops.

I have come to see again and again that no amount of cutting back makes me lose weight. I've tried to increase my exercise lately too to no avail, except that my bone spur (right in the middle of my heel) is killing me. I can't even walk on it for the first 10 minutes each day -- I walk on tippy-toes until it hurts less.

One of these days I'm gonna splurge and buy one of those incredible "endless pools" for swimming. It will be all mine and I'll just hop in it naked each morning and get a great workout (I know... too much info! LOL). Nothing will ache, nothing will poke or rub or chaff, I can't wait.

"Why don't you swim now?" you ask? LOL - because I don't have 2 hours to do a 30 minute workout! By the time you drive there, get undressed, get in, do the swimming, get out, have the shower, get dressed and drive back, it's 2 hours of your time gone. I have time for 30 minutes to work-out but not 2 hours!!

At any rate, back to the "weigh loss resistant metabolism". I am confident that I found the program/approach that is best for my metabolism -- WLS or not. I am going to stick with it because clearly, for ME, carbs are the enemy. Even "good" carbs. I avoid almost all of them now - no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, no corn, no bread, no wheat (that makes me sicker anyhow). It took some getting used to, but now the only carbs I get are from veggies and those are definately "real, good carbs".

But it sucks -- it seems like no one else has to eat this way! But then again, I don't know may other people who are my size and actually fight against it any more. Most have given up and just eat what they want, however much they want and whenever they want and tell the world to shove it if they don't like them the way they are. Not that I want to lose weight so "the world" will like me... no, no... I want to lose weight because my knees hurt, my back hurts and my hip is killing me! I want energy and stamina and regular clothes! :o)

For all of those of you out there who struggle as I do -- you have my sympathy and empathy!

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