Monday, March 19, 2007

Why do I care?

A dear friend of mine brought up a good point after that last blog? She said "Why do you care so much about what this one guy thinks?" That's a good question. Why do I? I think he just pushes my buttons I guess and now that I know that, it will give me tremendous pleasure to STOP REACTING! LOL!!!

I know a few button pushers... it's like they do it because a) it's fun and b) they feel better about themselves because they're not reacting (at that exact moment, but usually they are the reactors themselves). It doesn't always appear obvious to me, I'm not generally an over-reactor to much (unless I have PMS, then the whole province should be on high-alert!). But some people seem to think it's a sport -- and they can really get to me. Recently a relative (in-law) seemed to sense I was having a bad day (yup... PMS), so he started in on me about how I manage the company and how I don't listen, how I don't let people finish their sentences, how I over react all the time...

I'm telling you, I almost had a complete breakdown. And he's sitting there with a smirk on his face like "See? You're doing exactly what I said you do all the time." You know, sometimes I really do understand how people kill each other. Arrrgh.

BUT... I didn't go off and eat. I went off and walked -- fast and hard. My hubby came and found me and talked me into getting into the vehicle and going back, but otherwise I would have walked the 15 miles home in a huff for sure (I've done it before, no problem). This makes it sounds like I'm like this alot, but I really am not. So to the in-laws and the food-judgers -- BUZZ OFF!

I am SO going to buy this T-Shirt! LOL

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