Tuesday, April 24, 2007

WLS Myth - Stomach Stretching

This article: "Gastric Bypass Myth - All Patients Stretch their Stomachs and Regain Weight" addresses part of a comment left on the previous post. Although most patients do regain a bit of weight after thier lowest weight is reached, it is not understood why. It's probably a matter of balance - once your body gets used to the caloric intake it can expect after WLS it tries to adjust your metabolism to get back to the weight it wants. But it can only adjust so much!

Exercise is a key component to all of this as well. The one WLS patient I know very well (in my family) has definately not gained the most weight loss that she could have because she didn't exercise. She is down at least 150 lbs and feels much better, but the remaining 75 or so would be up to her and would require "traditional" calories in / exercise output to acheive. She is likely incabable of this from what I've seen so far.

I would hypothesis that I will succeed at weight loss and keeping it off with the added tool of WLS for several reasons:

I am already eating way differently and sticking with it (24 lbs so far at 1500 calories per day)

I'm already drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.

I do not shy away from exercise and try to get as much moderate activity into a day as I can without hurting my feet / knees / lower back... which admittadly isn't a lot of activity in a day, but it's not my head that's stopping me but the pain in my body. I hope to move more and more as the weight comes off!


Anonymous said...

First, I didn't say all WLS patients stretch their stomachs and regain the weight. Second, this article only confirms what I was trying to say in my last comment. If you do not learn how to eat properly, the WLS will just be another diet that does not work...isn't weight loss all about learning how to eat properly for your body? Do you really need something as radical as rearranging your digestic tract in order to learn how to eat properly? Why not follow the rules of WLS before you have the surgery and forgo the sixty thousand dollar operation and still get the same results???

I am not a thin person and like you I have struggled with my weight my entire life. However, even I can see that it is about discipline, something I simply have not had up to this point in my life. How would rearranging my digestic tract give me that discipline if nothing else has?

Rose Young said...

Can you continue to drink 8-10 glasses of water with such a reduced stomach? I know fluid intake becomes a big deal because they don't let you drink while you eat and you can only drink a sip at a time, and not within 2 hours of a meal on either side.