Saturday, June 9, 2007

Not much goin' on...

Not much goin' on these days - typical summer start. Busy working but not much time to do much else (including cleaning house - but who cares about that?! LOL!).

Haven't been faithful with my blog, or my calorie counting, have been trying to get out more and walk though. Which is good. Weight is the same, not going up or down. I'm okay with that today, but do want to get back on the 'losing train'. Realize I shouldn't let too many days slip by before I climb back on that train - but it's not calling to me right now. Calorie counting is hard work and very anal. And although sometimes it's 'easy enough' these days I'm not into it at all. I am trying to keep an awareness of my eating and the caloric impact of what I'm eating - but don't want to write it all down.

Now I know, I shouldn't let my weight loss efforts be sabotaged by how I feel, but when it comes to documentation and 'anal-ness' feelings drive a lot of that part of my personality. When I'm calm and have time I can be more anal. When I'm stressed and/or distracted I just can't seem to be bothered. I think this is a healthy thing, but it's not helping my weight loss efforts... hmmmm... something I need to think about more I guess!

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