Saturday, June 2, 2007

Study to look at Diabetes curing aspect of WLS

This article highlights a study that will be conducted in the UK soon and reads in part:

"...nearly 80% of patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery to reduce the size of their stomachs and small intestines find that their diabetes disappears within two to three days - before any weight loss has occurred."
-- Read the whole article by clicking here.
I didn't realize that this happened so very fast. It's amazing to think this is possible. I do not myself have diabetes, but I do have metabolic syndrome (the precursor to diabetes). Something very interesting is going on and I would hypothesis that is has something to do with 'detaching' part of the stomach that normally works in tandem to send hunger and insulin product messages to the brain. Once detached the messages are blocked or misinterpreted by the brain resulting in a dramatic and immediate drop in insulin and hunger hormones in the brain. Just my best guess! I'm very interested in the results of this study, but realize it will likely take years.

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