Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back on track

Hello all

I'm back on track - today at least. What is it that they say? 'One day at a time'? That's about all I can muster. It's Sunday so I have the day off work, by my own choice. I'm not even cleaning house! Might go get groceries though.

It's a blizzard outside right now, but we need good food... veggies, fruit, etc. So I guess I'd better go if I want to stay on-track. Besides I'm a Calgarian - what's a blizzard? That's what's 4x4 is for. ;o)

Woke up this morning with the 'let's do this' attitude. So I had a good breakfast (1 egg poached, 1 piece of flax & oatmeal toast, 1 pear, 1 homemade lite soy latte = one good girl!). Want to keep on track so I need to have all the right foods in the house. My next appointment is on Mon, Feb 4. So I have incentive to stay on track.

I'm embarrassed by my lack of resolve. But I've often heard this about Type A personalities that are obese. They keep saying to themselves "I can do anything I set my mind to ... except lose this weight. What the hell?". Exactly.

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