Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spinning those wheels

Well, not even spinning the wheels really. I don't think I turned on the engine yet! Haven't gotten back on my diet yet. My dietitian is going to be disappointed. I haven't regained any weight, but I'm putting in about 2% effort towards weight loss. I'm just overwhelmed in my personal and business life and adding another thing to do isn't going to help.

There's always an excuse that will sound right, but at the end of the day the only one suffering for my lack of action is me. I get tired just thinking about writung down everything I put into my mouth. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

Then don't write it down. You control what goes into your mouth, not a food diary.

I have struggled with weight all my life and it took getting pregnant with diabetes to finally teach me that I control what I eat. I still slip into my old habits quite often...over Christmas I was eating cookies and cakes despite high blood sugars...but I have managed to control my diet without counting calories or writing down what I eat on a daily basis. You just have to find a system that works with you, that works within your busy life--I understand being busy. Between a full time job, four kids, including a needy seven month old, and keeping my house in order, I am just as busy. I found a way that works--so can you.

Just because your dietician has a degree, this does not mean she knows what is best for you....all she wants is weight loss. If you find a way that works for you, I am sure she will be satisfied no matter what method you used. Try counting carbs or using prepackaged foods you do not have to think about...Rosie used slim fast for a while with some results..there are many ways to diet without writing down every morsel you put in your mouth!!

Keep the faith--if this is truly what you want, you will make it work!!!!

JenB said...

That is very true -- I do generally stick to the diet, I just feel guilty because I don't write it down. The problems I think is that I don't lose weight when I don't write it down because I don't keep a running tally in my head of how many total calories I eat, so they just add up to too much when writing it down would make me aware of the total.