Friday, January 4, 2008

Survived Christmas

Well I survived Christmas mostly unscathed. I didn't gain anything and the experts say that's the healthiest approach (vs trying to actually lose weight at Christmas... now come ON!! who can really do that?!!).

However my plantars fasciitis is killing me. Some mornings I literally just crawl to the bathroom because I cannot stand on my feet they hurt so much. For more info on this aweful problem, click here. I'm thinking I'd better order some night splints it's so bad. Best treatment for this problem (in the case of obesity causes anyhow) is extensive weight loss. Funny thing about that. Anyone with any advice on this problem? I'd love to hear it -- please post!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband has had flare ups of this same problem, so I know how you feel. Wish I had some advice, but the only thing I know to do is probably everything you are already doing...

I just wanted to say it's good to see you posting again--I was beginning to wonder if you had given up on us!