Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bariatric Surgery: The Diabetes Link

A study published a few months ago in the Journal of the American Medical Association investigated the reduction in Type 2 diabetes among patients who recieved bariatric surgery. "...the review of more than 130 studies and 22,000 obese or morbidly obese patients shows that the vast majority of people who have weight loss surgery experience dramatic improvements in type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea." (Read the article here.)

I will have to track down the actual report cause I'd like to read it. It's amazing to see this link, and there's actually some discussion about using bariatric surgery to as a cure for diabetes. It's the only thing they know that 'can' reduce diabetes to "0". Not always, but evidently there's always a big improvement.

Now, I don't have diabetes, but a comment poster reminded me of this article. It's the same frustrating situation - lose weight and your diabetes will go away. Or 'lose weight and you can have weight loss surgery'. Or lose weight and there will be total world peace. Uhuh. As if we don't have a million reasons to lose weight... but have any of them worked?

Well girls (and boys)... I HEAR YA! Say it with me.... "ARRRRRGHHHH"!!!!!

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