Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Denmark Study shows Obesity Saves Governments Health Care Dollars

Just about laughed myself off my chair for this one! This article "Smokers, the obese cheaper to treat than healthy, long-living people: study" reports on a new study released in Demark show that smokers and obese people cost more in their lifetimes, but healthy thin people live longer so they actually cost the government MORE in health care costs in the long run.


So the next logical argument would be, "lets make sure everyone gets fat, and everyone smokes so we can save billions in health care costs". Oh wait, aren't North American governments and the general consumer marketplace already succeeding at this? Funny thing about that...

This flies in the face of the often reported 'statistic' or logic that those with obesity cost the healthcare system more than thin people. Well... guess we should all die with a cigarette and a rye in one hand and a cheeseburger in the other -- and probably a smile on our faces too. ;o)

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