Sunday, April 13, 2008

Herniated Disc

Grrrrreat... just when I was doing pretty well with my diet and genuine attempts to get more exercise, I fall down a flight of stairs and herniate a disc in my back. Having my son was a 9 on the "out of ten" pain scale. This is a definate 8. It's aweful.

It's brought me to tears on a couple occasions now... not because it hurt more at any point but because a straight week of pain and not being able to look after yourself will do that to you. I'm tired. I'm humiliated... for the first few days I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone. Finally went to the doctor... he basically said "here take these pills and try to get some rest". Yeah... that'll do it. Sure buddy.

So I went to my chiropractor too. He ordered x-rays. And honestly, my first reaction was to laugh (he didn't think it was funny at all)... but what I heard in my head was Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters say "Well... therrrre's yer problem." LOL!

Wow is my back ever messed up now. Take a boo at the x-rays yourself. Geepers.. that's gonna take a loooong while to fix. 2 months my chiropractor estimated. This x-ray was taken from the front and I thought I was standing up completely straight. You can see that my hips are pretty much straight. Wowzers.

So now I'm holed up in bed most of the time. Popping straight codine and celebrex (for swelling reduction). So much for exercise. Although the codine sure helps with the hunger. I don't notice it until I'm starved and even then one piece of raisin bread usually works. That's it. Some diet. ;o)

A good point is that I have lost about 20 lbs since my "failure" meeting with the surgeon that got cancelled. So as long as I don't gain any weight "they" should be happy up in Edmonton. A herniated disc may increase my chances actually because weight loss will help with similar back problems and is listed as one of the 'treatments' for same.

1 comment:

Rose Young said...

I broke my tailbone a while back and I'm sure the pain and annoyance are similar.
I send you hugs, my friend.