Thursday, November 6, 2008

The deed is done!

I had my lap-band put in on Tuesday at 1 pm and was discharged at 10 am on Wed. It was too soon. I hadn't had any bowel activity and ended up back in the hospital this morning at 1 am. Incredible bowel pain, but an enima and some meds to calm the bowels helped, followed by rounds of laxatives. I should have known better my dears, I always react this way to morphine and anesthesia. But it's been so long since I've had any of that I forgot!

So long story short, now I'm just dealing with the stomach pain of gas and the incisions. I should post up a picture pretty soon I guess, get my hubby to take the photo when I get home. I've been staying with some wonderful friends who have been caring for me and running me back to the hospital at horrid hours of the morning. Wow they've been great. Better than family almost!

How do you thank people who have been so careful with your person or your loved ones. It's hard to do!

So I'm trying to get down a decent amount of water and some puddings, etc. They don't start you on all liquids at this place, just all soft foods like pudding, apple sauce, etc. And your supposed to get 900-1000 calories in per day. There is NO WAY I'm doing that right now, but I'm pretty sore and crampy. Gonna have to call about the gas, everything I drink or eat results in loads of painful, rumbling gas. It sucks. Could just be the 'system restart'. I think I'll do a round of BioK Plus this week and hope it helps reflora my intestines. The gas should go away once the good flora comes back.

I'm not following the diet very well yet, I'm trying but I'm so sore. It sucks. The bowel problems were excruciating, so I'm only just getting beyond that pain. The pain from the surgery is not that bad really. The incisions tend to pull a bit because my stomach is so swollen and fat-ladened, but it's not uncomfortable. I don't have any stitches, just 'steri-strips' which supposedly come off on their own in 8-10 days. And a good friend of mine is a nurse so she'll be keeping an eye on me no-doubt. All in all, the surgery experience was fine. The bowel stuff... well WARNINGS TO ALL FOR LAP-BANDS: Take in loads of fibre in the days before hand and seriously consider having a full colonic enima done to empty out your entire lower intestine. I SO wish I had done this. Wish I could have shown ya'll the x-ray. It was a mess... poop from one end to the other all back-logged and stoney. Ugh. But now the gas is moving through much better and hopefully my system has restarted enough to clear out.

So there you go all, a looooong winded update. I'll have to post as I go along. But I keep in mind what so many with the lap-band have said 'I just wish I'd gotten it sooner'. Well, I'm sore, but I'm proud of myself and so far I'm glad I've done it. The pain is manageable and I can rest for a while. I'm looking forward to the changes to come in the weeks ahead. I'll try to keep in touch! Thanks to all for your support!!

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