Monday, November 10, 2008

Feeling Much Better

Hello all! I wanted to let you know, the worst of it is over. I'm feeling much better now. Still a bit of gas, but it doesn't hurt much. And the only time I really, really hurt is when I sneeze or cough (and the only thing about it that hurts is the incision over the port, no surprises there). My insides are pretty much back to normal.

I'm supposed to be aiming for 900-1000 calories per day, and I think today I might get there. I've been adding about 100 calories per day from a low of 500 calories in the first few days. I just figured out yesterday that I should stop drinking stupid juice (no protein and low calories) and drink soy milk (mmmmm... chocolate soy milk is really not that bad). 3 g of protein per 1/2 cup and only 75 calories. Not too bad.

I honestly can't believe that, however temporarily, I'm actually struggling to eat enough. That is amazing to me. Although I haven't had any fill done, the swelling approximates the feeling of not being hungry (ever) and of being able to eat very little. If I take my vitamins and 1/2 cup of yogurt I feel like I've eaten a Thanksgiving dinner! FULL!!

I realize there will be ups and down and that I will not have my band at the 'ideal' fill amount for many more months (by March-ish, evidently) so I'm not too too excited yet. But so far I'm down 13 lbs since the operation because I'm eating so little. I'm not worried, nor impressed. It might come back before my first fill on December 16 and I'm prepared for it. I'll still be disappointed, but I realize that I'm on a honeymoon right now.

I still have some pain when my stomach muscles tighten to move food through, but it's come to be just unpleasant and quite bearable. I notice it most when I take my vitamins because I have to half them and the edges are sharp so I can feel them go all the way down and feel them when they pass through the port. Perhaps I'll try to find a pill crusher one of these days. Although what I'll put them in as food I don't know. They taste horrible as-is, I can't imagine eating them as food. Blah!

So, lets see... the worst part of the surgery is over in less than a week. I had none of the shoulder pain from the gas expansion, but I had massive pain from constipation and gas - which I should have expected because I always get this when I 'go under' anesthesia. All in all, it was no worse really than a root canal. If I hadn't had that reaction to the anesthesia it would have been a much easier experience. So it was quite reasonable. And now I know I'm on a journey that will be different from the rest of my life (if I use it properly). I'm pretty excited!

Thanks for all your posts my friends, I appreciate the support. If you have any questions about my surgery experience, please feel absolutely free to ask!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better! I'm also glad you have been able to write about your experience. Must say, I am dying of curiosity about everything. Would love to see pictures, too...the imagination is far worse than reality, I'm sure...

Keep your head up and your eyes on the prize!

Rose Young said...

I'm so happy for you.