Monday, February 5, 2007

Hundreds in Saskatchewan waiting for weight-loss surgery

"Right now, there are about 330 people on the waiting list and no new patients being accepted in Saskatoon, the main centre for bariatric surgery in the province." (Full article here.)
Obese people seeking surgery in the province of Saskatchewan (my provincial neighbor) are being told that the province is not accepting any more candidates for surgery at this time and current wait lists are counted in many years. Sadly the result is suffering and eventually hip/knee replacements, diabetes and possibly even death. The health system in Canada, although laudable in many ways is failing those of us with this "disease of choice".

My sister-in-law actually moved TO Saskatchewan 2 years ago for her surgery as the wait was shorter than in Alberta... guess a few other people figured this out too. Currently from first request for referral until surgery the wait in Alberta is averaging 2.5 years. And let me tell you, by the time you are willing to admit that your weight is out of your control and that you are suffering because of it, 2.5 years seems like a long time to continue in this condition.

Although a "lightweight" I already feel the aching knees, grinding and painful hip and see the symptoms of early diabetes. I can't even begin to imagine what another 100, 200, 300+ pounds would feel like... truly horrible I'm sure. And the fatter you are, the less you can move so "diet and exercise" sounds more and more unattainable and you feel more and more trapped. I have great empathy for anyone in this situation. Although we choose what we eat, no one would choose these consequences -- even though they are predictable and avoidable, clearly that's not enough when your metabolism and "society" are against you. Food is everywhere, and so is alcohol. One you can live without, the other you must partake of to survive and yet you must not enjoy it too much or consume too much of it. It's extremely frustrating -- and even that's an understatement!

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