Monday, February 12, 2007

WLS Requires Committment

This article really only touches the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" but it got me thinking. Read "Surgery requires commitment".

The article reminds me that I had wanted to post about how I'm feeling these days. My first meeting with the WLS clinic staff is this Friday. I'm excited, but I'm also frustrated and self-doubting. I am a strong, independant woman (to a flaw sometimes) and I always beat myself up over the whole "why can I accomplish anything I set my mind to EXCEPT this one thing?" argument. It rolls around in my head like a little barb-wire ball. I've gotten used to the argument, but occasionally it sneaks up and really pokes me a good one.

I own my own business, build houses (a man's job if there ever was one) and enjoy every minute of the challenge. I'm a self taught graphic and website designer and intelligent writer (if I do say so myself). In all I do I give 110% and won't take on a project that I won't give that much effort to. So what's with the weight?

I often say I'm a normal person stuck in a fat body. I don't think of myself as fat (it's not one of my self-descriptors), I don't act fat, I don't let it stop me from living my life. Essentially, I live like a thin person. I move and climb and walk and bend and LIVE. And I try hard not to self-pity... and yet, I am morbidly obese and my knees hurt and my hip hurts and I'm tired. And I can hear a little voice in my head that sure sounds like whining... "Why can't I just be normal? Why does food seem like the enemy? Why can't I just eat like everyone else and have the same result as everyone else?".

I don't know what the answer is. But I do know I'm a little frightened at the thought of surgery (probably a healthy response) and that I'd rather lose the weight on my own without surgery. However I've also come to believe that I can't do it alone. And there's that little poke again - Why CAN'T you do it ALONE? Why are you so WEAK? You should be able to do this just like everthing else.

I really, deep, deep down inside want the healthy, energetic person I feel like to be visible on the outside. Instead I look like a lazy, overeating, non-exercising slob (which I'm not). Arggghhh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog today and felt your struggle within my own. I too have struggled with the "weight issue" for far too long.I had pretty much given up on ever losing weight, until recently.For some reason I have felt a profound "shift" inside of me.I suddenly realised that I did not believe that I could or would lose weight.Believe is the profound word here.I know it be the core of the problem now.What I "believe" to be true about myself, will be.I will create this reality, so therefore to change the outside of myself I first have to change the inside.What I strongly believe and put into practice will become my reality.I will in effect change what I believe about this journey to one of hope and understanding.I will treat myself kindly and with respect at all times.Through meditation on the success of my outcome and the change in what I now believe to be true about myself, all the outside stuff will follow.I firmly believe this and will keep you posted on how it turns out.I also think being a fully conscious eater and remembering that food is fuel and it should be enjoyed, but also be fuel to take care of the wonderous machine called our body.Putting it in perspective I only have to do this for one 24 hour period each day and not focus on all the days ahead.