Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dietitian Meeting

Went up to Edmonton yesterday for my 2nd appt with the WLS clinic. Met with a dietitian for 2 hours. She's quite insightful and figured out quickly that I've got WAY too much info in my head and so many diet and food "rules" that I can hardly function. And it seems like every day there's a new one! Don't eat after X time, don't eat this or that, it's down to "just don't eat" by now!

She gave me some excellent, basic 'start-over' ideas and targets. We're starting with eat 3 meals and 1 snack per day. 450 calories per meal, 150 for the snack. 1/2 of everything I eat should be veggies or fruit (4 of each per day), 1/4 carbs and 1/4 protein. If I want to keep using the USANA stuff that's fine, as it would make up the carbs and protein anyhow. Then add veggies or fruit.

My eating has to be simple, because my life definitely is not. It's not predictable or really controllable, so food needs to be easy and accessible. She's suggesting I use pre-made, portion controlled dinners (like Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers) and add simple items like yogurt and fruit to fill in the calories.

The best thing about this is it's simple. I need simple.

I'm going to do some homework on combinations of foods that add up to the right amount of calories that I can easily find and recreate any day/time. I'm going to drop the USANA bars cause they're too high in calories (and too small anyhow really, they don't fill me up like a salad of the same calories would).

So, moral of the story? Get back to basics silly! And my dad's favorite KISS (keep it simple stupid) LOL!!

The clinic's first approach to WLS is to see if I can lose it on my own with diet and excersise. I'm not sure how they decide if I can't and should get WLS, but as long as I lose it one way or another, GREAT! Actually, deep down inside I'd love to lose it on my own (cause then I could gloat I suppose - bad girl!). On the other hand I really hate people like that! :o)

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