Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Great Quote

Gotta get this book by Khaliah Ali (Mohamid Ali's daugter) called 'Fighting Weight'(click for link to this book on Amazon. A great excerpt follows:

Those photos on magazines at the supermarket checkout of people who have shed a hundred pounds -- it's a statistical fact that only 2 percent of them are able to keep off the weight. And the constant hunger and deprivation those successful 2 percent must put themselves through are often more than anyone should have to bear. It's like living with another kind of eating disorder. Those photos actually do a great disservice, because they only fuel the false notion that if obese people just tried hard enough, they could take off the weight. I know they used to get me down -- after the initial, short-lived spiral into "hopeful."

Whatever weight I lost always came back, whatever effort I put into it always back-fired. Even the most extraordinary effort was no match for the tenacity of my obese body. The hunger my body engendered was like the subject in Edvard Munch's painting The Scream. It was constant; it was maddening; it always got the better of me.

Khaliah had gastric banding performed and lost a lot of weight. She looks great and exercises properly to give her the best advantage with the use of this surgery. She's given me pause to think about my preferred procedure... gastric banding is perhaps a better place for me to start. My real issue is with my hunger, I eat to stop the hunger (99% of the time - honestly!) and not as an emotional suppresent.

And, in Alberta, there is no cost to me (except my monthly healthcare fees) to try this proceedure first and if it doesn't work, go for the full gastric bypass. Perhaps this would be the solution on it's own and if not, it was worth a try as it's not as invasive. Interesting...

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