Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sharon Osborne

This article talks about Sharon Osborne's surgery: Sharon Osbourne Calls It Quits With Plastic Surgery. And it's interesting to note that most places on the web claims she had lap-band surgery when she was younger, but now this article says she had gastric bypass (big different boys and girls!).

At any rate, she's had the surgery un-done and I wonder what will become of that. I also wonder why she had it un-done so many, many years later. In the article it says that she was having food binges and the surgery was causing her to throw up. Instead of dealing with her binge eating, she chose to have the surgery reversed? That seems really odd to me, plus, after so many years with the surgery being successful at stopping any weight gain, why would she not have already dealt with this issue years ago? What an odd life! I guess, look who she's married to, she's definitely leading an odd life!

It gives me pause - I think you definitely need to seriously address if you're a food junkie, a binge eater, a social eater, a depression eater, etc, etc. Why do you eat too much? Is it the same reason it's always been? Have things changed? I've been thinking about this lately and realize I certainly don't have all the insight into my own life that I'd like to have. I think people are ever-changing so sometimes it's hard to nail down what's going on. I know that I used to eat to sooth myself. But about 5 years ago that stopped. Not too surprisingly my weight gain stopped then too. But since then what has kept me at my highest weight ever?

One problem has definitely been my diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome, it keeps me hungry too often and not full long enough. I often eat now to make the overwhelming feeling of hunger and stomach pain go away. If I don't eat I get headaches. Years of overeating have caused my pancreatic cells to work overtime, and now even though they don't have to, they continue pumping my system full of insulin. So food goes in, gets rapidly absorbed and the hunger signal comes back too soon and too strong. It's a vicious circle - add to it that the only thing that really turns off the signal is having too much sugar and WHAM - it's absolutely no wonder I'm at the size that I am.

At any rate, I'm trying to climb back onto the USANA band wagon or at the least my calorie counting. Looks like the later is more do-able. My system seems to not want any more shakes as I have to gag them down when they're really not that bad. I will prevail and keep at it. Additionally, there's good news: My new $360 orthotic inserts have taken away all knee, lower back and hip pain! I can walk again! No more excuses!!

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