Sunday, February 10, 2008

300 Calorie Meals & A great little CNN news release on LAP-Band

Just in case anyone is curious, this great little website shows photos of 300 calorie meals. When I have 5 x 300 mini-meals per day, every 2 to 2.5 hours I pretty much don't get hungry (or just a reasonable little bit hungry).

If you search Google for "300 Calorie Meals" you can find lots of great ideas for making these little mini-meals.

On a personal note, I'm doing well this week. Completely back on track and "taking it one day at a time". Really, one meal at a time. Works for me anyhow. Can feel myself detoxing though, fighting a bit of a headache. Could be weather, could be detox. Who care, that's what Liquid Advil is for. Actually looking forward to my 'official' weigh in day of Tuesday, but I've been watching the scale for a while now so I already know it's going to be good!

Also, came across this little gem of a video from CNN on a lady who had the LAP-Band done and lost 140 lbs and is now a size 10. The graphics are quite clear on what the Band does vs Gastric Bypass. Watch the video by clicking here. Also, visit the Photos section for some great before-after photos to motivate you!

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