Friday, March 14, 2008

A Heritage Focused Diet... Very Interesting!

This article details a study being conducted in a Native town in British Columbia, Canada. Basically the gist of it is to return the diet of the townspeople to a diet that resembles the heritage/historical diet of their ancestors in an attempt to reduce obesity. In Native populations in Canada, obesit is 5x more previlant than in the general population.

Here's the article (love the title): My Big Fat Diet (from CBC)

A return to 'high fat' (fish oil mostly) diets with no carbs is the focus. This would resemble the fish and 'collectible local' veggies and fruits that Native peoples would have eaten 100 year ago before the European's introduced 'cereal grains'. This is fascinating and I'm quite sure it's on the 'right track'. More and more studies are showing that it's the high carb, highly processed foods in North America that are quickly expanding our waistlines. Fascinating stuff -- and I'll bet it's pretty close to "The Solution" that will ulimately be revealed with more research into obesity and diabetes.

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